

I’m Karla Sanchez

As a Certified Life & Health Transformational Coach, Reiki Master, and Family Constellations Facilitator,

I guide and support my clients to release, heal and evolve into their authentic selves.  

I am a wild, unlimited, loving spirit. 

My Passion

Just like you, I wear many badges such as Mom, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Entrepreneur, however, what matters most today is not who others see me as but who I see and know myself to be.

I am an expert at navigating life’s challenges and difficulties. From abandonment by a father that I still don’t know or who have not met to abandonment within relationship after relationship

I am an expert on being… being me, all of me. I am an expert on authenticity!

I am whatever I set and create myself to be and so much more. I have created the life I LOVE every day, yes, every single day! Even with the difficulties and the so-called “conflicts”. Today I savor the life I live, and I am of purpose for others and for myself. 

I am God’s child, divine energy, I am consciousness, source. I am peace, I am love, I am in alignment, and I am in the flow with life. Whatever language fits your beliefs best. The one thing I want you to know is that you are too. We are not the labels that others or even we create. We are divine love. We are so much more than we allow ourselves to see, feel, and be. 

I am surfing through this human experience and taking it all in. Life is truly an adventure if you choose it to be. We get to choose!!! This is one of the biggest lessons in life I’ve come to understand. Every single step of the way, every moment we are making choices that take us to our next experience. We may feel as if we didn’t always have those choices to make for ourselves in our own life but ultimately, I one way or another we did. This belief has helped me grow and empower me tremendously. I have been through so many painful experiences in my life, probably just like you might have. Today the only thing that makes me different is not that I am now better than anyone but that I know so much more because of all the internal work I have done. I chose to do life in a different way. I chose to heal my life and my soul. It is not a completed project, on the contrary, it is a never-ending evolving journey that we can do with love, compassion and intention. We don’t have to be pushed and pulled by life’s events. We get to do life our way! 

Let me guide you back into the true, most beautiful version of YOURSELF!